Mapping Tools, Racial Equity Tools Emily Irish Mapping Tools, Racial Equity Tools Emily Irish

Supporting Overburdened Communities Mapping Tool

The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency has created the resulting map providing multiple opportunities to serve communities, utilizing environmental justice grants and emission reduction projects. 

Our overburdened communities are those with a combination of poorer health outcomes, more air pollution sources, and whose residents face socio-economic barriers to participation in clean air decisions and solutions. To identify our overburdened communities, they combined information from multiple trusted sources, including their own Community Air Tool, Washington State’s Environmental Health Disparities Map, Washington State Department of Ecology’s Overburdened Communities, and EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool.


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Benna Gottfried Benna Gottfried

Training Resources for the Environmental Community Toolkits

Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC) compiles toolkits, resources, and webinars. Toolkits include topics like financial planning, staff management, and strategic planning. The extensive resources page includes topics such as diversity, equity and inclusion, financial management, and leadership. 60-minute webinars presented by nonprofit trainers and consultants cover important aspects of nonprofit leadership, financial management, fundraising, diversity, equity and inclusion, and more.


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Benna Gottfried Benna Gottfried

Multnomah County Equity and Empowerment Lens

The Lens is designed to help institutions identify inequities and achieve transformational change. The Lens includes an assessment with guiding questions around connection to people, connection to place, and connection to process and power.


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Benna Gottfried Benna Gottfried

The Greenlining Institute Racial Equity Toolkit

The toolkit is designed to help policymakers, advocates, and others consider racial equity. The tool was informed by case studies and includes a step-by-step guide to gather information, engage stakeholders, identify and assess policy holes, and evaluate outcomes.


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