Our Work
The Northwest Environmental Justice Center provides frontline communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington with direct access to our partner network and technical assistance providers. To meet community needs, we are actively listening, collaborating, and finding solutions alongside you. Read on to learn more about our services and to see how we can work with you!

Our Services
Our Center and our partners are reaching out to communities to listen and learn about their strengths and assets, environmental justice priorities, and technical assistance needs. As relationships build, organizers will connect communities with technical assistance and cohort learning opportunities through our Center’s services. If you’re here, you may already have connected with someone, but you can fill out an intake form or email us at connect@nwejc.org to learn more. The intake form will help us to understand your community needs and determine how we can work together to meet those needs.
The Center will engage with EJ communities all over the Northwest with organizers in each state. We will provide direct technical assistance projects to EJ communities that range from light-touch navigating communities to existing resources, to medium-touch preparation for receiving federal funds or updating community needs assessments, to more intensive support for policy analysis or construction projects.
Some examples of technical assistance include:
Administrative Support
Funding Development
Planning Support
Implementation Support
and much more!
The Center will offer five cohort learning opportunities where EJ community leaders and organizations can participate in training, be part of a facilitated community of practice for a year or longer, and access tools and assistance.
Each annual cohort will include 10-20 participants:
Data Justice
Money, Finding It and Using It
Just Energy Transitions
Policy Navigation
Environmental Justice Leadership Institute
Student Engagement and Leadership Development
The Center recognizes the power of lifting stories and changing the narratives in energy and environmental justice. Through the work of the Center, we’ll stay in touch with communities that utilize our technical assistance or those engaged with our cohort-learning groups. We’ll partner with you, if you want, to lift your EJ stories via social media, video shorts, and other communications, and regularly share information and resources via newsletters, blogs, and an annual sharing of feedback and lessons learned.
The Northwest Environmental Justice Center maintains a curated selected of helpful resources to support your environmental and energy justice projects.
Use custom filter options to browse categories including Funding Opportunities, Mapping Tools, Organizational Capacity and Racial Equity Tools, or search for exactly what you need.
Our Services
Our Center and our partners are reaching out to communities to listen and learn about their strengths and assets, environmental justice priorities, and technical assistance needs. As relationships build, organizers will connect communities with technical assistance and cohort learning opportunities through our Center’s services. If you’re here, you may already have connected with someone, but you can fill out an intake form or email us at connect@nwejc.org to learn more.
The center will engage with EJ communities all over the Northwest with organizers in each state. We will provide direct technical assistance projects to EJ communities that range from light-touch navigating communities to existing resources, to medium-touch preparation for receiving federal funds or updating community needs assessments, to more intensive support for policy analysis or construction projects.
The center will offer five cohort learning opportunities where EJ community leaders and organizations can participate in training, be part of a facilitated community of practice for a year or longer, and access tools and assistance. Each annual cohort will include 10-20 participants:
Data Justice
Money, Finding It and Using It
Just Energy Transitions
Policy Navigation
Environmental Justice Leadership Institute
Student Engagement and Leadership Development
The Northwest Environmental Justice Center maintains a curated selected of helpful resources to support your environmental and energy justice projects. Use custom filter options to browse categories including Funding Opportunities, Mapping Tools, Organizational Capacity and Racial Equity Tools, or search for exactly what you need.
The Center recognizes the power of lifting stories and changing the narratives in energy and environmental justice. Through the work of the Center, we’ll stay in touch with communities that utilize our technical assistance or those engaged with our cohort-learning groups. We’ll partner with you, if you want, to lift your EJ stories via social media, video shorts, and other communications, and regularly share information and resources via newsletters, blogs, and an annual sharing of feedback and lessons learned.
Accountability—To Community, To Changing Systems
The Center needs to be community-led and accountable to its commitments to equity and centering Indigenous values. The center recognizes that justice means changing the systems that shape how we live, work, and play. We will adjust Center services and priorities annually based on community feedback and will act with community and government partners to adjust policy, process, and institutions.
Learn more about the Center

“The methods for this work approved by US EPA allows tribal governments and their members to identify and prioritize the needs they will see addressed for their individual community.”
– Kristin K’eit, RCAC Alaska Field Manager and Environmental Finance Center Manager based in Anchorage, Alaska