Department of Energy Funding

We've compiled our DOE funding guidance and wanted to share that in case it is helpful. This has been through pretty extensive conversations and back and forth with OCED and EPA, as well as internal conversations and feedback from our team so while there are still areas we could adjust and update, we're feeling much better about where it lands.

Our team created a 1-pager that tries to give a key summary of allowable and non-allowable activities and ways of reviewing this. The 1-pager then links to the following documents:

We know some pieces of this like the FAQs will continue to get updated and we anticipate our example document may update as our partners do activities that are supported by the OCED documentation, but we feel pretty good about our understanding and being able to carry out more activities that support communities in achieving their energy goals using this guidance. If it would be helpful to talk through it, there are a few key understandings that might not fully come through just from the written text so please let me know and I'd be happy to set up a meeting to discuss.